Finishing module for Hard Cover

  • Casemakers
  • Finishing module for Hard Cover
  • Mounting photo album
Fastbind Presso Thermal Press
The Presso™ is a thermal press designed to make high quality grooves quickly and easily.
The groove improves the appearance of all hard cover books.
It makes symmetrical, deep, smooth grooves that hold tight against the book block…every time.
The Fastbind Presso can be used with hard cover books up to 45 mm thick with a spine length up to 470 mm.
It comes with with three spacer plates allowing quick set up for spine stick thickness and hinge area changes.
0.0 EUR
Fastbind Pressomatic Hard Cover Groove Press 2 sides
The Fastbind Presso™ is a thermal press designed to make grooves quickly and easily.
After a brief warm up period, the press is ready to go.
Simply put your hard cover book into the press, align the content and press the button.
Your hard cover books get symmetrical, deep, smooth grooves that hold tight against the book block…every time.
Temperature adjustment.
Pressure height adjustment : Steps 8, 10 , 12, 14 and 16
Machine cycles/hour up to 200.
Capacity books/hour up to 150.
Max binding thickness : 40mm.
Max. pressing length : 480mm.
Voltage (V) / Frequency (Hz) : 220-240 /50-60 Hz
Max. current : 6.3 A.
Machine dimensions (W x L x H) : 53 x 43 x 31cm.
Weights : 20,5kg.
0.0 EUR